The Programme
Our core curriculum specialises in Employee Engagement, in other words making sure that people are working "for the love of it !"
This is achieved as follows:
Dream Beyond Impossible
Taking an in depth look at the concepts of: What is potential; how much do I have and what stops the release of potential - we break the barriers that prevent the release of potential and realisation of dreams. This phase is designed to build skills that are essential for continuous and on-going dream building.
Place of Most Potential
By addressing the concepts of purpose, happiness, value and worth: we provide people with an opportunity to define their uniqueness, gifts and talents. We also look closely at the concepts of what is first and second nature? The focus in this phase is to establish the critical point or place where potential can best be expressed. By imparting principles of not settling for second best, we build the skills required to seek out these places or points where I can be fully me.
Making Your Life Count
Making the assumption that people at this point in the process have articulated their dream for their life, have rooted themselves in a defined purpose and are now using this as an orientation for seeking out that place of most potential, we now focus on the qualities and characteristics for sustained personal performance.